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On site-Off site Pump Repair

With our proven experienced technicians and engineers, we ensures you highest standard after sales service both on- site and off-site operation. After receiving and disassembling a pump into our workshop, the following points are addressed.

  • Overall condition
  • Detail examination of all critical parts and thier condition
  • List of parts suitable re-use
  • List of parts suitable for repair and recondition
  • List of parts to be replaced
  • Estimate of time and cost of work needed
  • Repairing report and photo


  • Water Pumps
  • Multistage Pumps
  • Hot Oil Pumps
  • Self-Priming Pumps
  • Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps

Warranty 6 Months

Polymer Coating

An advanced ceramic composite formulated to protect equipment from aggressive chemical attack corrosion and erosion. VK 2000 provides with minimum 500-600 microns thickness per coat extended wear and predictable preventive maintenance. The cured ceramic composite provides outstanding chemical and abrasion resistance with a high gloss finish.

Repairing Report

With repairing report, customer can create maintenance record with
photos of inside condition of pump parts after pumps have been repaired.

Customer can find list of parts that suitable for re-use, repair and to be

Product Training

We always support customer arranging in technical training of basic knowledge of pump and liquid ring vacuum pump. This is one of our after sales service to help customer achieve the best performance and longest life from our products. This course covers fundamental information of correct pump operation and maintenance as well as possible failures, causes and effective solution strategies..